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Indian Literature, Sahitya Akademi’s bimonthly journal, is India’s oldest and the only journal of its kind featuring translations in English of poetry, fiction, drama and criticism from twenty-three Indian languages besides original writing in English. There is hardly any significant Indian author who has not been featured in the pages of this journal that has completed 55 years of service to the cause of Indian Literature.

Offering a feast of literature with features like “What are you doing in the Attic?”, “Writings from the Margins”, “Young Life”, Second Tradition”, novel excerpts, travelogue, book reviews, author interviews, tributes to writers, photo/graphic essay, Indian Literature is also highly valued as a source of reference in India and abroad and is a must for libraries and for discriminating readers, researchers and students of creative and critical literature.





Individual copy: Rs. 50/-
One-year Subscription: Rs. 250/-
Three-year Subscription: Rs. 650/-


For subscriptions outside India by airmail:
Individual copy: US$ 15/-
One-year Subscription: US$ 75/-
Three-year Subscription: US$ 200/-


Subscriptions to Indian Literature may be sent by sending a DD/MO or an at-par cheque favouring “The Secretary, Sahitya Akademi” in the address below:


The Editor
Indian Literature
Sahitya Akademi
Rabindra Bhawan
35, Ferozeshah Road
New Delhi 110 001


Along with the subscription amount please provide the Name and Mailing Address indicating the issue (Jan-Feb, March-Apr, May-June, Jul-Aug, Sep-Oct, Nov-Dec) from which you want the subscription to commence.



Submission Guidelines


Poems (about 6 to 8) and short stories in English translation and English, and critical articles (not exceeding 6000 words and following MLA style of referencing) may be sent to Indian Literature by email as Word attachment, to indlit@gmail.com along with a six-line bio of the author and the translator. English translations of poetry and fiction must be accompanied by a letter of permission from the original author granting permission to publish the translations in Indian Literature.


Contributions by post may be sent to:

The Editor
Indian Literature
Sahitya Akademi
Rabindra Bhawan
35, Ferozeshah Road
New Delhi 110 001



Books for Review


We only consider books of poetry, fiction, non-fiction prose and criticism, in English translation and English. Please send two copies of your book to the address above.

If you are interested in reviewing books for Indian Literature please send a mail to The Editor at indlit@gmail.com indicating your area of expertise along with your CV and a sample review. All our reviews are commissioned and unsolicited reviews will not be entertained. 



Guest Editor: Dr Yashodhara Mishra
Assistant Editor: Ankur Betageri

Ph: 011-23386626 Ext. 219, 218
011- 2338 9838.


Indian Literature Subscription Form


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Last Updated : 05.03.2025