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  1. Critical edition of the Ancient Sanskrit work 'Asokavadana' collated with the Chinese version
  2. Edited with notes and English translation of certain portions
  3. First published in 1971.
  4. Edited By- Sujitkumar Mukhopadhyay

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Bankimchandra Chatterjee: Essays in Perspective

  1. Covers several aspects of Bankimchandra's personality and genius, seen from contrary anglescontributed to by eminent critics and scholars, Indian and Western
  2. Incorporates tributes and reminiscences of the author's illustrious contemporaries, disciples and admirers.
  3. Comprises valuable studies of the many aspects of Bankimchandra's art and thought
  4. Contains, in the appendices, a full and comprehensive chronicle of his life from year to year, a bibliography of his publications in English, Bangla and other Indian languages; English rendering of the prologue and the first chapter of 'Anandmath' by Sri Aurobindo; excerpts from the author's ideas and speculations (in the English original) includes reproductions in colour of some of the author's photographs and of some famous portraits add to the value of the publication.

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Bibliography of Indian Literature (20th century)

  1. A five volume set
  2. Intended to supplement the bibliographies of current publications in Indian languages brought out by the Central Reference Library, Calcutta
  3. Covers the major gap before that year
  4. Acomprehensive bibliography of books of abiding value covering the period 1901-1953
  5. The bibliography in each language was separately assigned to an expert in the field > overall editorial direction of the work was entrusted to Sri B.S. Kesavan, the then Librarian, National Library, Calcutta
  6. First volume covers Assamese, Bengali, English and Gujarati
  7. The second volume covers Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri and Malayalam
  8. The third volume covers Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi and Sanskrit
  9. The fourth volume covers Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu
  10. The fifth volume covers Dogri, Konkani, Maithili, Manipuri, Nepali and Rajasthani, and spans over the period 1901 to 1980
  11. Future Plan:

The Akademi has taken on its publication programme a new series of the bibliography, following the principles of the earlier volume, extending the period from 1954 upto the end of the century. The project is likely to be taken up soon.

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Critical Inventory of the Ramayana

  1. Joint project of the Union Academique International Bruxelles
  2. A two volumes set
  3. First volume provides basic information on all the extant Ramayana texts and themes as depicted in dance, drama, song, painting, sculptures, film and folk, tribal, oral and other traditions.
  4. Second volume consists of bibliographical data on the Ramayana in six foreign languages
  5. Ed. Prof. K. Krishnamurthy, a doyen of Sanskrit literature and an authority on Ramayana.

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Critical Edition of Kalidasa's Works

  1. One of the first projects undertaken by the Sahitya Akademi
  2. Compiled under the general direction of an Editorial Board of eminent Sanskrit scholars with S. Radhakrishnan as the Chairman of the Board and V. Raghavan, its Convener
  3. Six volumes in the series have been published
  4. Volumes published: 'Meghaduta', ed. S.K. De; 'Malavikagnimitra', ed. K.A.S. Iyer; 'Vikramorvasiya' ed. H.D. Velankar; 'Kumarasambhava' ed. Suryakanta; 'Abhijnana Sakuntala' ed. Gourinath Sastri and 'Ritusamhara' ed. Rewa Prasad Dwivedi; 'Raghuvamsa' edited by Rewa Prasad Dwivedi was also published in 1993. The text of 'Abhijnana Sakuntala' selected by the late S.K. Belvalkar was also published separately.

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Collected Works of Maulana Azad

  1. A compiled and edited publication in Urdu of the collected works of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, one of the foremost writers and leaders of modern India
  2. A specially appointed Editorial Board supervised the publication under the chairmanship of Dr. Zakir Husain, then President of India
  3. Eedited initially by Ajmal Khan, and subsequently by Malik Ram
  4. A revised edition of the 'Tarjumanul Quran' by Maulana Azad published in four volumes; 'Ghubar-e-Khatir' (three editions), Tazkira (four editions), and 'Khutbat-e-Azad' (three editions) have also been published
  5. A Devanagari transliteration (two editions), and the Telugu translation (two editions) of 'Ghubar-e-Khatir' also published
  6. A 'Khutbat-e-Azad' (vol.1) carrying letters of Maulana Azad edited by Malik Ram under preparation.

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Contemporary Indian Literature
  1. First published in 1959
  2. Contemporary position of literature in sixteen major languages of India surveyed against its historical background
  3. Four editions brought out so far
  4. Originally written in English
  5. Also been translated and published in Dogri, Hindi, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil and Telugu; the Hindi translation has undergone six editions.

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  1. 'Tibetan-Hindi Dictionary' compiled by Mahapandit Rahul Sankrityayan
  2. 'Russian-Hindi Dictionary' (Rusi-Hindi Shabdakosh) compiled by W.R. Risi
  3. Two reprints of Parmanand Mewaram's 'English-Sindhi Dictionary'
  4. Three editions of 'Bangiya Sabdakosh', a comprehensive Bengali-Bengali Dictionary compiled and edited by Haricharan Bandyopadhyay of Santiniketan.

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Indian Literature Since Independence

  1. A commemorative volume as part of the nationwide celebrations of the 25th anniversary of Independence of India
  2. Literary trends in each of the Indian languages recognised by the Sahitya Akademi surveyed
  3. Edited and foreword by Prof. K.R. Srinivasa Iyengar
  4. A sequel to Contemporary Indian Literature.

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Making of Indian Literature

  1. A cumulative report of four workshops on literary translation organised by the Sahitya Akademi during 1986-88
  2. Contains factual accounts of the programmes and proceedings
  3. Texts of select lectures delivered by visiting experts on various aspects of the translation of literature in a few languages, discussions of the theoretical and practical problems of translation, views of eminent creative writers and resolutions and recommendations proposed by practising translators from all parts of India also featured

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Rabindranath Tagore

  1. A monograph on Rabindranath Tagore on the occasion of his 125th birth anniversary
  2. Written by Sisir Kumar Ghose
  3. Released by the Prime Minister of India in 1986

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Rabindra Rachana Sanchayana

  1. An anthology in Hindi translation of select writings of Rabindranath Tagore
  2. Compiled by Asit Kumar Bandyopadhyay
  3. Released by the Vice-President of India in 1987

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Rabindranath Tagore: A Centenary Volume (1861-1961)

  1. A tribute to the memory of Rabindranath Tagore on the occasion of his 100th birth anniversary
  2. Contains valuable studies on the many aspects of Tagore's personality and genius contributions made by eminent writers and scholars from around the world
  3. Includes a full and comprehensive chronicle of the poet's life, from year to year and a bibliography of his publications in Bangla and English
  4. Reproductions in colour of some famous portraits of the poet by dstinguished artists add to the value of this publication
  5. As much a tribute to the genius of Tagore as a guide to its comprehension

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  1. English translation of Kalhana's famous Sanskrit classic on the history of Kashmiri rulers
  2. Tr. R.S. Pandit
  3. Three editions so far published

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The Ramayana Tradition in Asia

  1. A collection of over 40 papers presented at the International Ramayana Seminar held in 1975
  2. Edited by V. Raghavan
  3. Includes an introduction by Umashankar Joshi

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Shri Jnandev's Anubhavamrut: (Marathi Classic: The Immortal Experience of Being)

  1. English translation of a unique poetic work - a meditation on 'Being' or 'the Self' in the Kashmiri Shaivagama tradition
  2. Translated by Dilip Chitre
  3. Published under Indian Classic series

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The English Writings of Tagore (3Vols.)

  1. A three volume set of the English writings of Rabindranath Tagore
  2. Volume I devoted to poems
  3. Volume II covers plays, short stories and essays
  4. Volume III includes miscellaneous works - consisting some of his lectures, addresses, his open
  5. Letters, speeches, tributes, conversations, interviews, etc. edited by Sisir Kumar Das

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The National Register of Translators 1994

  1. Contains 1766 names and addresses of translators and potential translators in more than 25 Indian and foreign languages including French, Spanish, Japanese and German
  2. A handy directory for publishers and scholars
  3. Fulfils a long-felt demand of the Academic community
  4. Future Plan:- Akademi proposes to have the register as a continuing programme and plans to publish supplementary volumes.

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Who's Who of Indian Writers (Revised Edition)

  1. One of the first projects of the Sahitya Akademi
  2. A comprehensive bibliographical directory of living Indian writers
  3. Showcases 6000 Indian writers and their publications with biographical and bibliographical information
  4. Widely welcomed not only in India but also outside India
  5. An American edition published by East-West Centre Press, Honolulu - by arrangement with the Sahitya Akademi
  6. Edited by Sri S. Balu Rao
  7. Preface contributed by the then President of the Akademi and eminent writer Prof. V.K. Gokak
  8. A Supplementary volume (upto 1990) also published in 1993.
  9. Future Plan: The work on a new Revised Edition of the 'Who's Who' was taken up in 1995, and is in progress. This volume is likely to contain over 9000 biographical entries of Indian writers and is edited by Sri K.C. Dutt.

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Who's Who of Sanskrit Scholars in India

  1. An extensive reference volume in two parts
  2. First part in Sanskrit and second part in English
  3. Comprises state-wise and subject-wise indices of the living Sanskrit scholars in India
  4. A unique and invaluable guide to Sanskrit scholarship in the country
  5. Jointly published by Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Rashtriya Sansthan and Sahitya Akademi
  6. Edited by Sri K.C. Dutt.

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  1. Intended to make available to the general reader as well as to the students of literature standard histories of literature in various languages of India
  2. Each history written by an eminent scholar, either in English or in the respective Indian language
  3. Translated into other languages also
  4. Eighteen Histories of Literature published so far in this series

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  1. A monograph series on outstanding Indian writers who have made a significant contribution to the development of literature in the Indian languages
  2. Primarily intended for readers who have no direct access to the work of the writer concerned

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Contemporary Indian Short Stories

  1. A series comprising translation of representative short stories in modern Indian languages
  2. Series I, first published in 1959, has gone into six editions. Series II, covering the period 1930-50, was first published in 1968 and reprinted in 1977, 1982 and 1988. Series III has been published in 1988. Series IV, edited by Shantinath K. Desai was published in 1996
  3. Translation of this series of volumes in different languages under preparation
  4. Malayalam translation published in 1994

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Anthologies of Sanskrit Literature

  1. A compilation of comprehensive anthologies of Sanskrit literature

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Anthologies of Indian Poetry

  1. Anthologies of Assamese, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Malayalam, Oriya, Punjabi, Rajasthani (Prachin), Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu poetry
  2. A Hindi translation of the Anthology of Punjabi Poetry
  3. Anthology of Pali Poetry, 'Pali Sangraha'. ed. P.V. Bapat
  4. Anthology of poetry written in English by Indians entitled the 'The Golden Treasury of Indo-Anglian Poetry' (1923-1965). ed.V.K. Gokak
  5. A selection from this book, 'Twenty-One Indo-Anglian Poems' also published for students

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Anthologies of Folk Poetry

  1. Anthology of Assamese folk poetry: 'Bara Mahar Tera Geet'
  2. Anthology of Punjabi folk poetry: 'Punjabi Lokgeet'
  3. Also published in Punjabi, a collection of folksongs of Kangra region together woth a monograph on its people and their customs by M.S. Randhawa. Its Hindi translation has also been published
  4. Anthologies of folksongs in Dogri entitled 'Dogri Lok Geet', in Kannada entitled 'Janapada Geethanjali' and in Gujarati entitled ' Jugaratna Lokgeeto' also published
  5. An anthology of folk songs in Tamil and folk tribal songs in Kannada under preparation.

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Anthologies of Folk Tales

  1. Anthology of Dogri folk tales: 'Dogri Lok Kathan'
  2. A selection of folk tales of Bihar in English and its Bangla, Tamil and Telugu translations
  3. Anthology of Gujarati folk tales: 'Gujarati Lok Kathao'
  4. A selection of folk tales of Karnataka in two parts (South and North Karnataka Regions) and its Hindi translation: 'Kannad Lok Kathayen'
  5. A selection of folk and tribal tales of Karnataka: 'Janapada Mattu Girijana Kathegalu'
  6. An anthology of Marathi folktales: 'Marathi Lokkavita'
  7. An anthology of Punjabi folktales: 'Lok Kahani:Punjabi'
  8. An anthology of Sindhi folktales: 'Sindhi Lok Kahaniyoon'.

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Volumes of Devotional and Saint Poetry

  1. In Assamese: 'Bhakti Gita-Pada Sanchayana'
  2. In Bangla: 'Baishnava Padavali', 'Chaitanya Charithamrita', 'Chaitanya Bhagavat' 'Kabi Kankan', 'Chandimangal', and 'Manasamangal'
  3. In Kannada: 'Sarvajna Vachana Sangraha'
  4. In Maithili 'Vidyapati Geetasati'
  5. Selection from Bewas, Shah, Sachal and Sami in Sindhi
  6. Bangla translations of Marathi classics 'Jnaneswari', 'Amritanubhava' and 'Changdevi Prasashthi'; 'Vasavannar Vakkamudu' from Kannada in Tamil; 'Shah Latif Ka Kavya' from Sindhi into Hindi, and translations of 'Kabir Vachanavali' from Hindi into Gujarati, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu

Songs and Poems of Freedom Struggle

  1. 'Swatantryaswar': an anthology of the songs and poems of freedom struggle in Maithili

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Children's Literature

  1. A new scheme of the Sahitya Akademi Publication Programme
  2. Published in various Indian languages
  3. Attractively illustrated
  4. Translation of other popular children's classics by eminent writers are under the process of translation and publication

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Anthologies of Indian Literature

  1. A proposed scheme to bring out three comprehensive selections from various genres of literature in 22 languages
  2. Covering three periods - ancient, medieval and modern, the project would include surveys, reviews, as well as English translations of select classics.

Modern Indian Literature

  1. Three volumes covering the period (1800-1975 A.D.)
  2. Chief Editor Dr. K.M. George
  3. Volume I contion
  4. Volume III: plays and prose

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Medieval Indian Literature

  1. Projected as a three volume set
  2. First volume covering the period A.D. 1100-1800 brought out in two parts: Surveys of all the languages and Selections from the languages - Assamese, Bengali and Dogri
  3. The other two volumes containing Selections of the rest of the 21 Indian languages are in press
  4. Chief Editor Prof. Ayyappa Paniker

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Ancient Indian Literature

  1. Proposed to publish three volumes
  2. Covers the early period upto A.D. 1100
  3. Each volume consisting of around 700 pages would cover a period of around 3000 years
  4. Historical surveys of Vedic, Classical Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit, Apabhramsa, Tamil and Kannada literatures
  5. Chief Editor initially, H.P. Malledevaru; after his demise H.M. Nayak held the Chief Editorship for a brief period; presently, T.R.S. Sharma
  6. Publication likely to be completed by end of this year

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Encyclopaedia of Indian Literature

  1. A major venture of Sahitya Akademi
  2. Covers twenty wo languages of India
  3. The first of its kind
  4. Gives a comprehensive idea of the growth and development of Indian literature
  5. Entries on authors, books and general topics tabulated by the concerned Advisory Boards and finalised by a Steering Committee
  6. Contributions on various topics from hundreds of writers across the country
  7. Six volume set
  8. Each volume runs into approximately a thousand pages
  9. Presently, the work on the Revised Edition of the Encyclopaedia has been taken up under the editorial guidance of Prof. Ayyappa Paniker.

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Histrory of Indian Literature

Sahitya Akademi has launched a project for the preparation of a 'History of Indian Literature' in multi-volumes meant to understand the socio-political factors that create literary canons for every age and every society, and thus to identify the uniqueness of each of our 'regional' literature and their interconnections.

The project proposes to throw light on Indian literary activity since the Rig Vedic days to the present day.

Two parts covering the period 1800-1910 A.D. and 1911-1956 A.D., compiled by a team of scholars headed by Prof. Sisir Kumar Das have been published. This is a scheme introduced under the study of Comparative Literature.

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Whos's who of Indian Writers

End-Century Edition (In Two Volumes)

This end-century edition of the Who's Who of Indian Writers, is an invaluable work of reference for writers, publishers, readers and students of literary history.

Over 8000 entries from 22 languages with biographical and bibliographical details of distinguished and less known writers in this two volume edition provide an authentic, comprehensive survey of the literary landscape of a vast multilingual nation.

One of the major projects undertaken by the Sahitya Akademi soon after its inception in 1954, the compilation of a comprehensive Who's Who of Indian Writers was meant to furnish in one place both biographical and bibliographical information about writers in the field of literature in all the recognised Indian languages, including English. The first edition of this reference work has published in 1961, followed by subsequent edition published in 1983 with a supplementary volume (1990).

For ease of use, the entries are arranged alphabetically by surname or part of the name preferred by the writers themselves. A large number of cross- references are provided to facilitate the location and identification of the writers.

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Modern Indian Drama

A Special Millennial Publication from the Sahitya Akademi

Edited by C.P. Deshpande.This is the first comprehensive anthology of modern Indian drama. 15 modern plays in different Indian languages brought together here represent the thematic and formal range and concerns of contemporary Indian playwrights. The plays are Listen, Janamejaya by Sriranga, The Vultures by Vijay Tendulkar, One Day in Ashadha by Mohan Rakesh, Evam Indrajit by Badal Sircar, Hayavadana by Girish Karnad, The Lone Tusker by K. N. Panikkar, Siri Sampige by Chandrasekhar Kambar, From Sunset to Sunrise by Surendra Verma, Aurangzeb by Indira Parthasarathi, Mahapoor by Satish Alekar, Mareech, The Legend by Arun Mukherjee, Hunting the Sun by Utpal Dutt, Whirlpool by Datta Bhagat, Mother of 1084 by Mahasweta Devi and Roads by Govind Purushottam Deshpande.

The book has a general introduction by C.P. Deshpande, himself a well-known Marathi playwright and theorist and special introductions to the four sections, each carrying plays with certain specific features.

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Medieval Indian Literature Volume IV

K. Ayyappa Paniker (ed.)

This fourth and final volume of Medieval Indian Literature carries selections from Rajasthani, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu in highly readable English translations. Medieval Rajasthani literature with its folksongs and folktales and the soul-stirring devotional poetry of Mirabai and others, Sanskrit with the works of Jalhana, Bilhana and Kalhana and the later stotra poetry (hymns) and retellings of the epic tales, Sindhi with its rich Sufi writings of Shah Abdul Latif, Abdul Karim, Dalpat and others and Tamil with its unique Vaishnava and Shaiva poetry, Telugu with its stalwarts like Nannaya, Tukkana, Anamacharya and Tyagaraju and Urdu with the great contributions of Amir Khusru, Mir, Ghulam Hasan and others together reveal the visionary idealism, philosophical strength and the poetic range of the Medieval literature in India.

Volumes I, II and III also available

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A Child Even In Arms of Stone

Compiled by Sitakant Mahapatra

This is a unique collection of poems on childhood by poets from different parts of the world. The poets include Dennis Brutus, Po-Chu-I, Nazim Hikmet, D. H. Lawrence, Su Tung-P'O, Walt Whitman, W. B. Yeats, William Wordsworth, Izet Sarajlic, Rilke, Wilfred Owen, Li-Po, Sylvia Plath, Lorca and Neruda besides major Indian poets like Kabir, Rabindranath Tagore, Subhas Mukhopadhyayay, Sakti Chattopadhyaya, Nirendranath Chakravarti, Balraj Komal, A. K. Ramanujan, Jayanta Mahapatra and a bunch of tribal poems from India. A rare treat for children as well as adults.

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A Handful of Sun and Others Poems

Padma Sachdev

A comprehensive selection of Padma Sachdev's Dogri poems written over five decades in beautiful English renderings by a group of translators including Dr. Karan Singh, Iqbal Masud, Mrinal Pandey, Arlene Zide and Shivnath. The pioneer of modern poetry in Dogri, Padma Sachdev captures in her poems the joy, pain, endurance and inner strength of women. Earthly, magical, musical.

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