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Details of monthly receipts and disposal of RTI applications

in the month of February 2023.


Last updated on : 06.06.2023

File No./ Registration/

Date of Receipt

Name and Address of RTI Applicants


Action Taken

RTI-1135 Online

Registration No.


Dated: 01.02.2023

Transferred from MoC

vide Reg. No.


Dated: 01.02.2023

श्री देवांग

श्री बिहाइंड 55 विश्वकुंज सोसाइटी, रामेश्वर टाउनशिप, रतनपर सुरेन्द्रनगर, गुजरात-363020

Regarding all state Government Literature Organization Replied sent vide letter no. SA.RTI/1135/20637 & 20647 dated: 13.02.2023 to deposit the photocopy fee.

RTI-1136 Online

Registration No.


Dated: 01.02.2023

Transferred from MoC

vide Reg. No.


Dated: 01.02.2023

श्री राजेन्द्र सिंह

ए 1093/13 इंदिरा नगर, लेखराज मेट्रो स्टेशन के पास, लखनऊ-226016, उत्तर प्रदेश

Regarding the book of Dr. Ram Bux Singh  Information sent vide letter no. SA.RTI/1136/20784 dated: 16/17.02.2023

RTI-1137 Online

Registration No.


Dated: 01.02.2023

Transferred from MoC

vide Reg. No.


Dated: 01.02.2023

Sri Nigam Bhardwaj

Flat No. 101, Sai Narayan, Opp. Pillar No. 59, Nahar Road, Hardaspura, Khagaul Patna, Pin-801105, Bihar

Vacancy/ Roaster/ Contractual in the Autonomous Body under MoC. Information sent vide letter no. SA.RTI/1137/20970 dated: 21.02.2023

RTI-1138 Online

Registration No.


Dated: 08.02.2023

Sri Abhishek Singh

10B, Patel Nagar,

Sector-9, Indira Nagar,


Regarding the advertisement no. SA/50/06/2021 for the 02 number of posts of Senior Accountant Information sent vide letter no. SA.RTI/1138/20783 dated: 16.02.2023

RTI-1139 Offline

Dated: 09.02.2023

Received in the

Akademi 10.02.2023

received postal order of

Rs.10/- (53H029968)

श्री मुकेश आनंद

पुत्र डॉ. गंगा नन्द झा

जी-119, कडकडडूमा कोर्ट,


मैथिलि संभाग, साहित्यकारों तथा कवियों से संबंधित

Information sent vide letter no. SA.RTI/1139/21985

dated: 01.03.2023



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