Home > Literaray Activities > Seminars
- 2005 National Seminar on the Art of Translation
- 2005 National Seminar on Sarala Dasa and' the Bhakti Tradition
- 2005 National Seminar on Edasseri Govindan Nair
- 2005 International Seminar on Sajjad Zaheer
- 2005 International Seminar on Premchand
- 2005 International Seminar on Dr. Rasheed Jahan
- 2005 Birth Century National Seminar on Annadasankar Ray
- 2004 National Seminar on Subhadra Kumar Chauhan
- 2004 National Seminar on Maithili Ballad: Its Form, Analysis and Performance
- 2004 National Seminar on K.V. .Puttappa 'Kuvempu'
- 2004 National Seminar on Adya Rangachary 'Sriranga' (Centenary)
- 2004 International Seminar on Waman Raghunath Varde Valavlikar.
- 2004 International Seminar on The Mahabharata : Texts, Contexts, Readings.
- 2003 Symposium on North Eastern Folk Literature and Culture: Essence and Issues
- 2003 Seminar on Yashpal
- 2003 Seminar on Translation and Empowerment
- 2003 Seminar on Literary Historiography
- 2003 Seminar on Contemporary Malayalam Literary Criticism
- 2003 Seminar on Andre Malraux: Culture and Commitment
- 2003 National Seminar on Myth in Contemporary Indian Literature
- 2003 National Seminar on Maithili Folk Drama: Ideology and Practice.
- 2003 National Seminar on Indian Intellectual Traditions
- 2003 National Seminar on Discourse, Democracy and Difference
- 2003 International Conference on Indian Literature
- 2003 Birth Centenary Seminar on Pandit Ilachandra Joshi
- 2002 Symposium on Problems and Prospects of Little Magazine of the North-East
- 2002 Symposium on Modern Malayalam Bangla Literatures
- 2002 Symposium on Indian Short Story Today
- 2002 Seminar on Yakshagana Literature
- 2002 Seminar on World, Nation and Region in Malayalam Fiction
- 2002 Seminar on Trends in Modern Assamese Drama
- 2002 Seminar on Trends and Movements in Kashmiri Poetry and its Impact on Modern Times
- 2002 Seminar on the World of Contemporary Assamese Fiction
- 2002 Seminar on the Relationship beyond the Language
- 2002 Seminar on Sindhi Literature - Beyond the Boundaries
- 2002 Seminar on Shennoi Goembab's Life and Work
- 2002 Seminar on Post Independence Women's Writings in Kannada and Marathi
- 2002 Seminar on Orientalism
- 2002 Seminar on National Integration and Sanskrit
- 2002 Seminar on Marathi Literature in Greater Maharashtra
- 2002 Seminar on Maithili Folk Litereture
- 2002 Seminar on Harivallabh Bhayanis Contribution to Indian iterature, Culture and Linguistics
- 2002 Seminar on Folk Theatre: Its Various Forms in Eastern India.
- 2002 Seminar on Folk Theatre: Its Various Forms in Easern India
- 2002 Seminar on Family Life, Fiction and Folk Literature
- 2002 Seminar on Experiments in Modern Marathi Poetry 1850-2000
- 2002 Seminar on Book Culture
- 2002 Seminar on Bengali Drama : Playwrights' Perception
- 2002 National Seminar: Hindi Ka Paridrishya aur Sahitya Ka Bhavishya
- 2002 National Seminar on Travel Writings in India
- 2002 National Seminar on the State of Literary Criticism: Trends, Texts, Issues
- 2002 National Seminar on the Birth Centenary of Shivarama Karanth
- 2002 National Seminar on Sanjavan
- 2002 National Seminar on Dalit Consciousness
- 2002 National Conference on Tribal Literature: Problems, Contribution and the Role of Little Magazines
- 2002 Dogri Women Writers’ Conference
- 2002 Centenary Seminar on. Gopal Haldar and Amiya Chakravarry
- 2002 Centenary Seminar on Kalindicharan Panigrahi
- 2002 Birth Centenary Symposium on Manisha Ghatak
- 2002 Birth Centenary Literary Forum on Amulyadhan Mukhopadhyay
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