Consideration of Appeal
The Appellate Authority shall consider every appeal in such manner as it deems fit and pass such orders as it deems proper in the circumstances of the case;
Provided that no order imposing an enhanced penalty shall be passed unless the appellant is given an opportunity of making any representation which he may wish to make against such enhanced penalty.
The Executive Board may, on its own motion otherwise, review any order made by any authority and pass such orders as it deems fit in the circumstances of the case:
Provided that no order imposing an enhanced penalty shall be passed unless the person concerned has been given an opportunity of making any representation which he may wish to make against such enhanced penalty.
- Where an employee who has been dismissed or suspended is reinstated, the Authority reinstating him shall make an order specifying
- the pay and allowances, if any, the employee shall draw for the period of his absence from duty; and
- where such period may be treated as duty for all or any purpose.
- Where a disciplinary proceeding has commenced against employee before his re-employment, the same shall be continued till final orders are passed and shall not be invalidated on the ground of his retirement or termination of re-employment.
- A proceeding, if not instituted while the employee is in service, whether before his retirement or during his re-employment,
- shall not be instituted save with the sanction of the Executive Board.
- shall not be in respect of any event which took place more than four year before such institution; and
- shall be conducted by such authority at such place as the Executive Board may direct and in accordance with the procedure set forth in these rules applicable to a proceeding in which an order of dismissal from service could be made.
CGHS Facility
All employees of the Akademi posted at Delhi or at places where CGHS facilities have been extended to Akademi employees will, during their service in the Akademi, be entitled to facilities available to Central Government employees under the Central Government Health Scheme Rules.
Reimbursement of Medical expenses And hospitalisation
The Central Services Medical Attendance Rules, 1994, as amended from time to time, will apply to employees of the Akademi other than those referred to in the preceding rule.
Benefits admissible To retired employees
An employee who retires from service under the Akademi shall be entitled to a fixed medical allowance of Rupees One hundred per month or such higher amount as may be allowed to retired Central Government employees.
House Building Advance & Recovery thereof
- These bye-laws may be called Sahitya Akademi Service Bye-Laws, 1999.
- They shall come into effect on the date appointed by the Executive Board.
Repeal and Savings
Grant of house building advance to the employees of the Akademi and recovery thereof shall be governed by Rules contained in the Schedule.
Application of Central Government Rules
In the matter of subscription to the General Provident Fund, withdrawal therefrom and in matters incidental thereto, employees of the Akademi shall be governed by the provisions of the General Provident Fund (Central Services) Rules, 1960 as amended from time to time subject to the following modifications:
- The expression 'Accounts Officer' means the Deputy Secretary (Accounts) of the Akademi.
- The expression 'Head of Office' means, for employees in Groups B, C and D, the Deputy Secretary in charge of Establishment and, for employees in Group A, the Secretary.
- The expression 'Government' means the Sahitya Akademi.
- The expression 'sanctioning authority' means the Secretary for employees in Groups A & B and the Deputy Secretary (Establishment) for employees in Groups C and D.
Accounts to be maintained In a nationalised bank
- The Deputy Secretary (Accounts) shall maintain particulars of subscription by each employee. The total amount of subscription collected in a month shall be deposited in a separate Savings Bank Account with a nationalised bank. Any amount recovered from employees by way of repayment of advances shall also be deposited in this account.
- With a view to maximizing interest earned on deposits, the amount at the credit of the Akademi in the Savings Bank Account shall, from time to time, be deposited in a fixed deposit account or invested in government approved securities.
Credit of interest to the account of subscribers
The interest admissible on an employee's deposit in the G.P.F. shall earn interest at the rate fixed by the Government of India. At the end of the year, the interest shall credited to the employee's account maintained in the Akademi.
Limit on advances
Except for special reasons to be recorded in writing, no advance shall be granted to an employee in excess of the prescribed limit or until the repayment of the last installment of any previous advance.
General Rules
All matters relating to leave of the employees of Akademi shall be governed by the Rules applicable to Central Government employees.
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