Short title and commencement
- These bye-laws may be called Sahitya Akademi Service Bye-Laws, 1999.
- They shall come into effect on the date appointed by the Executive Board.
Repeal and Savings
- The Service Bye-Laws in force till the date referred to in sub-rule (2) of rule 1 are hereby repealed.
- Notwithstanding the repeal, any benefit availed of by any employee or any action taken in pursuance of the Bye-laws so repealed shall continue to have effect and shall not be invalidated on the ground of such repeal.
In these Bye-laws, unless the context otherwise requires -
- 'Akademi' means the Sahitya Akademi;
- 'Appointing Authority' in relation to any post under the Akademi means the authority competent to make the appointment under the Recruitment Rules approved by the Executive Board;
- 'Borrowed Employee' means an employee of any other authority whose services are obtained by the Akademi on loan;
- 'Controlling Authority' means,
- the Executive Board in relation to the post of Secretary;
- the President in relation to posts of Deputy Secretaries and equivalent posts; and
- the Secretary of the Sahitya Akademi in relation to posts in Groups 'A' (except the posts of Deputy Secretaries and equivalent posts) and 'B', 'C' and 'D'.
- 'Employee' means a person serving the Akademi, in any post under Akademi having been appointed thereto either in pursuance of the Recruitment Rules or in pursuance of the contract;
- 'Foreign Service' means service for which an which an employee receives, with the approval of the Controlling Authority, his pay from any source other than the funds of the Akademi;
- 'Pay' means the pay admissible on the relevant date and includes special pay and personal pay but does not include any allowance, fee or honorarium;
- 'President' means the President of the Sahitya Akademi and includes, when the office falls vacant for any reason whatsoever, the Vice-President of the Sahitya Akademi;
- 'Secretary' means the Secretary of the Sahitya Akademi.
Creation of posts, their classification and duties of incumbents
- The Akademi shall have such number of posts in such grades and in such scales of pay as may be sanctioned from time to time. The grade applicable to each post shall be mentioned in the Recruitment Rules.
- The Executive Board may
- abolish any post or grade;
- transfer a post from one grade to another, create any post, or alter the pay scale of any post; and
- create, for such time as it deems fit, any post to be filled up on contract in the exigencies of work and determine the terms of the contract.
Method of Recruitment
- Recruitment to every post shall be made in accordance with the Recruitment Rules approved by the Executive Board.
- If , for any reason, a temporary vacancy arises in any post, the duties of that post may be assigned to another employee who is in the same scale of pay be the Secretary:
Provided that in the case of Deputy Secretary level officers, the Secretary shall seek the approval of the President.
- Every appointment on contract shall be made for such period and on such terms as the Executive Board may decide.
- Direct recruitment to any post, where required under the Recruitment Rules, shall be made
- in respect of posts in Groups A, B & C from amongst candidates applying in response to advertisement; and
- in respect of posts in Group D from amongst candidates recommended by the Employment Exchange on requisition.
- Whenever the Executive Board decides to appoint an employee of any other organisation in a post under the Akademi, the appointment shall be made on the basis of the recommendation of a Selection Committee constituted by the Executive Board which shall also be competent to determine the period for which and the emoluments on which the borrowed employee shall be employed by the Akademi.
- No person shall be appointed to any post by direct recruitment unless
- he is declared medically fit by the medical authority approved by the Executive Board; and
- the Appointing Authority is satisfied that he possesses good character and antecedents.
Probation & Confirmation
- Every person appointed to a post under the Akademi shall be on probation for two years:
Provided that, if in the opinion of the Controlling Authority, the employee' s performance has not been wholly satisfactory during the probation but he is likely to overcome his shortcoming if he is allowed some more time, the Controlling Authority may extend the period of probation for such period as he deems fit:
Provided further that any decision for extension of probation shall be taken ordinarily within eight weeks after the expiry of the previous probationary period and communicated in writing to the employee concerned together with the reason for so doing within the said period. - If an employee's performance during the period of probation has been unsatisfactory, his probation shall be terminated and thereupon, the employee.
- if appointed through direct recruitment, shall cease to be an employee of the Akademi; and
- if appointed by promotion, shall be reverted to the grade or post from which he was promoted.
- On the satisfactory completing of probation, an employee shall be confirmed against the post to which he was appointed:
Provided that no person shall be appointed substantively to the post unless the post is included in the permanent establishment of the Akademi.
Termination of Service
- The services of an employee shall be terminated
- if his appointment was made for a specific period, then on the expiry of such period; or
- if his appointment was made against a temporary post, on the abolition of the post or on the expiry of the period for which the post was created.
- The services of a permanent employee may be terminated by a notice of three months or on payment of pay and allowances for such period as the notice falls short of three months or without notice on payment of three months' pay and allowances if the post to which he was substantively appointed is abolished.
- An employee who has been given notice of termination of service under sub-rule (2) may be granted, during the period of notice, such earned leave as may be admissible to him and, where the leave so admissible and granted exceeds three months, termination of his service shall take effect on the expiry of such leave.
- An employee shall retire from the service of the Akademi
- on his attaining the age of superannuation applicable to employees of the Akademi in pursuance of orders of Government; or
- on his being declared medically unfit for service by the Medical Authority constituted by the Executive Board in this behalf; or
- on the imposition of the penalty of compulsory retirement.
- Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing sub-rule, Appointing Authority may require an employee to retire after he attains the age that falls short of the prescribed retirement age by two years. The employee may also after attaining this age, voluntarily retire from service under the Akademi after giving three months' notice to the Appointing Authority:
Provided that the Controlling Authority may, in his discretion, accept a notice of a shorter period.
- An employee may, by notice of one month in writing addressed to the Appointing Authority, resign from the service of the Akademi.
- The Appointing Authority may, in his discretion, permit an employee to resign from the service of the Akademi by notice of less than a month.
Scales of Pay
The scales of pay for the posts under the Akademi shall be as prescribed by the Government from time to time.
Initial pay & increment
In the matter of fixation of pay on initial payment or promotion and regulation of increments, the employees of the Akademi shall be governed by the same rules as are applicable to Central Government employees.
Special pay etc.
The Executive Board may Personal sanction to an employee in any special circumstances such special pay, personal pay or honorariumon such conditions as it deems fit.
Drawal of pay
- An employee shall be entitled to the pay of the post to which he is appointed from the date on which he assumes charge of the post. Pay in respect of any month shall become payable on the last working day of the month.
- An employee resigning from the service of the Akademi without the notice prescribed by rule 8(2) shall not, unless the Controlling Authority directs otherwise, be allowed to draw pay due but not drawn:
Provided that the pay so disallowed shall not exceed the pay for one month.
Types of allowances
- The following allowances shall be admissible to employees:
- Dearness Allowance,
- City Compensatory Allowance,
- Leave Travel Concession
- House Rent Allowance,
- Travelling Allowance, and
- Such other allowances as may be sanctioned from time to time.
- These allowances shall be drawn at such rates and subject to such conditions as may be laid down by the Government of India for its employees.
- Travelling Allowance and Daily Allowance shall ordinarily be payable on the return of the employees to the Headquarters:
Provided that the Secretary (the Regional Secretary in respect of employees under him) may sanction payment in advance of such sum as he considers necessary to be recouped from the amount payable to the employee by way of Travelling Allowance and Daily Allowance.
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