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Pension and Gratuity

Every employee of the Akademi shall be entitled to pension and gratuity in accordance with the rules of the Government of India in that behalf.


The Akademi shall observe such holidays as are observed by the Government of India and such other holiday as may be determined by the Executive Board.

Service Books and Character Rolls

  1. The Akademi shall maintain a Service Book and a character roll of each employee in such form and setting out such particulars as may be prescribed by the Executive Board.
  2. The entries in the Service Book of an employee shall be made by the Secretary or such other authority as may be appointed by him in this behalf.
  3. The entries in the character roll of an employee shall be made by the authority to whom such employee is immediately subordinate and shall be countersigned by the Controlling Authority who may make such remarks as he deems proper. The rule or practice of the Government of India regarding communication of adverse remarks, receipt of representations against such remarks and disposal of representations shall apply to the Akademi.

Residuary conditions of Service

  1. Any matter relating to any condition of service of an employee for which no provision is ade in these Bye-laws shall be determined by the Executive Board after considering the recommendation of Finance Committee in that behalf:
    Provided that nothing in this rule or in any other rule of these Bye-laws shall be deemed to entitle an employee to terms more favourable than those relating to a Central Government employee of similar category.
  2. The whole time of an employee shall be at the disposal of the Akademi and he may be employed by the Akademi for the performance of such duties as may be assigned to him.
  3. Without prejudice to the generality of clause
    1. an employee may be required to serve the Akademi at any place and in any post not lower than the post which he substantively holds, and
    2. an employee may be transferred to foreign service or sent on deputation, whether within or outside India.

Power to relax and Removal of doubts

  1. Notwithstanding anything contained in these Bye-laws, the Executive Board may, in the case of any employee, relax any of the provisions of these Bye-laws to relieve him of any undue hardship arising from the operation of such provisions or in the interest of the Akademi.
  2. Where a doubt arises as to the interpretation of any rule of these bye-laws or the power of any authority of the Akademi, the decision of the Executive Board thereon shall be final.

Delegation of the Executive Board's power

Where a situation arises in which a decision, which the Executive Board is empowered to take, has to be taken urgently, the President may take the decision and such decision shall be placed before the Executive Board at the earliest for such orders as it deems fit.


House-Building (Grant & Recovery) Rules


In these rules, unless the context indicates otherwise
  1. 'Akademi' means the Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi;
  2. 'Secretary' means the Secretary or Acting Secretary of the Akademi and in case the Secretary is applicant for loan, the Executive Board may be substituted for ‘Secretary' wherever it occurs in these rules;
  3. 'Employee' means an employee of the Akademi appointed by or under the authority of the Akademi but does not include a person employed on daily wages; and
  4. 'Pay' means the pay admissible on the relevant date and includes Personal pay, Dearness pay and officiating Pay (other than that drawn in leave vacancy) but does not include special pay.

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Last Updated : 26.03.2025