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e-Tender Notice : Conceptualization, Designing, Construction and Fabricaiton of Bookshop, Committee Room & Auditorium at Sahitya Akademi Regional Office situated at DL Khan Road, Kolkata (Last dt.-7 March 2025).

Inviting quotations for Licensed version software.

Inviting Quotations in seased envelopes from the reputed transporters to pick up, transport and deliver at the marked destinations in Tamil Nadu, pre-packed boxes from the godown of Sahitya Akademi at Virugambakkam, Chennai.

Inviting Quotations in sealed envelopes from the reputed firms to deliver the 7 ply Packing Boxes at Chennai.

e-Tender for the Conceptualization/ Designing/ Fabrication/ Construction/ Interior/ Exterior of Book Shop at Sahitya Akademi, Regional Office, Bengaluru (Last dt.: 22 January 2025).

e-Tender for Catering Services for Festival of Letters, 2025 (07-12 March 2025) Rabindra Bhawan, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi. (Last dt.: 20 January 2025 upto 5 PM).

e-Tender for Hiring of Vehicles for Festival of Letters, 2025 (07-12 March 2025) Rabindra Bhawan, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi. (Last dt.: 20 January 2025 upto 5 PM).

e-Tender for Hotel Rooms for Festival of Letters, 2025 (Last dt.: 15 Jan 2024).

e-Tender Notice for Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of Venue for Festival of Letters 2025 to be held from 07.03.2025 to 12.03.2025 at Rabindra Bhawan Lawns, 35, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi-110001 (Last Dt.-15/01/2025).

e-Tender Notice : Conceptualizaiton, Designing and Fabricaiton of stalls for World Book Fair to be held from 01 February - 09 February 2025 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. (Last dt.: 14 January 2025 upto 5 PM).

e-Tender for the Conceptualization/ Designing/ Fabrication/ Construction/ Interior/ Exterior of Book Shop at Sahitya Akademi, Regional Office, Bengaluru.

Tender for the Conceptualization/ Designing/ Fabrication/ Construction/ Interior/ Exterior of Book Shop at Sahitya Akademi, Regional Office, Bengaluru.

Inviting quotations for renewal of 1yrs maintenance subscription of Corel Draw

e-Tender Notice for Empanelment of Printres Panels at Sahitya Akademi Sub Office Chennai. (Last dt. : 16.12.2024)

Inviting quotation for revamping/upgrading of the Sahitya Akademi Website. (Last dt. : 14.12.2024)

Inviting Organisations, Publishers, Booksellers and Distributors for their participation in the 3rd edition of "PUSTAKAYAN : Sahitya Akademi Book Fair" will be held from 07 to 15 December 2024 at Rabindra Bhavan Lawns, 35 Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi. The Last Date for Booking of stalls is 30 November 2024 .

Inviting quotation for Purchase of Paper Stock at Regional Office Mumbai (Last Date: 29 Nov 2024).

Inviting quotations for renewal of 1 Yrs maintenance subscription of Corel Draw. (Last dt. 18.11.2024)

e-Tender Notice for Empanelment of Printers at Sahitya Akademi's Regional Office Bengaluru. (Last Date: 18 Nov 2024)

e-Tender Notice for Empanelment of Printers at Sahitya Akademi's Regional Office Mumbai. (Last Date: 12 Nov 2024)

CORRIGENDUM : e-Tender Notice for Empanelment of Printers at Sahitya Akademi's Regional Office Kolkata. (Last Date: 4 Nov 2024)

E-tender for Book Fair & Literary Programme (30.11.2024 to 08.12.2024)

E-Tender for Book Fair and Literary Programmes to be held from 30 November - 8 December 2024. Last date for applying the E-Tender at ECCP Portal is 22 October 2024.

CORRIGENDUM - Inviting sealed quotation for printing and supply Sahitya Akademi's publications on unit cost basis with paper (all inclusive) at Head Office New Delhi. (Last Date: 30 Sep 2024).

Empanelment of Printers for Sahitya Akademi's Head Office, New Delhi for printing of Sahitya Akademi's publications. (Last Date : 30.09.2024, 5:00 pm)

Inviting quotation for supply of Corrugated Boxes at the Regional Office Bengaluru.(Last Date : 25.09.2024)

Inviting quotation for Purchase of Paper Stock at Regional Office Mumbai (Last Date: 20 Sep 2024).

Inviting quotation for printing and supply Akademi's publications on unit cost basis with paper (all inclusive) at Head office, New Delhi (Last Date: 10 Sep 2024).

Inviting quotation for printing and supply Akademi's publications on unit cost at Sub Office Chennai.

Inviting quotation for printing and supply Akademi's publications on unit cost basis with paper.

Inviting Quotations for Purchase of Video Camera at in Head Office, New Delhi.

Inviting quotation for LAN at sub office chennai.

e-Tender Notice for Public Procurement of Printing Paper at Sahitya Akademi's Head Office, Delhi(Last Dt.:22 July till 5PM)

Tender for comprehensive annual maintenance contract of CCTV surveillance system (Last dt.: 24 April 2024).

e-Tender Notice for Printing and supplying of books on Unit cost basis with paper in Head Office, New Delhi. (Last dt.: 15 April 2024 till 5PM)

Inviting quotations for Transporting Sahitya Akademi's Publications throught Tamil Nadu (33 Districts); Last Dt.: 5 April 2024.

Inviting quotations for Printing Cash Bill Books at Sub Office, Chennai. (Last dt.-25 March 2024)

Inviting quotations for printing Sahtiya Akademi Letterheads at at Sub Office, Chennai. (Last dt.-7 March 2024)

Inviting quotations for Procuring Cloth Bags at Sub Office, Chennai. (Last dt.-4 March 2024)

e-Tender Notice for Public Procurement of Printing Paper (Preference to Make in India) at Sahitya Akaemi's Head Office, Delhi (Last Dt.-12/02/2024).

e-Tender Notice for Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of Venue for Festival of Letters 2024 to be held from 11.03.2024 to 16.03.2024 at Rabindra Bhawan Lawns, 35, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi-110001 (Last Dt.-05/02/2024).

Inviting quotations for Licensed Version Software at Sahitya Akademi, Head Office, New Delhi (Last Dt.-05/02/2024).

e-Tender Notice for Public Procurement of Printing Paper (Preference to Make in India) at Sahitya Akademi's Head Office, New Delhi. (Last Dt.-29/01/2024)

e-Tender Notice: Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of stalls for World Book Fair to be held from 10 February - 18 February 2024 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi (Last Dt.-29/01/2024).

Inviting quotation for Supply of 3 types of Non-Woven Bags in 3 different sizes with Single Colour Printing at Sahitya Akademi, Head Office, New Delhi. (Last Dt.-23/01/2024)

e-Tender Notice for Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of Venue for Festival of Letters 2024 to be held from 11.03.2024 to 16.03.2024 at Rabindra Bhawan Lawns, 35, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi-110001 (Last Dt.-23/01/2024).

e-Tender for hiring of 'Vehicles' for Festival of Letters 2024 (to be held from 11-16 March 2024) at Rabindra Bhawan, New Delhi.

e-Tender Notice: Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of stalls for World Book Fair to be held from 10 February - 18 February 2024 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.

Inviting Quotation (unit cost) for Printing and Binding of Akademi Publications in the Regional Office, Kolkata.

CORRIGENDUM: e-Tender for 'Catering Services' for Festival of Letters 2024 (to be held from 11-16 March 2024) at Rabindra Bhawan, New Delhi.

CORRIGENDUM: e-Tender for 'Hotel Rooms' for Festival of Letters 2024 (to be held from 11-16 March 2024) at Rabindra Bhawan, New Delhi.

CORRIGENDUM: e-Tender Notice for Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of Venue for Festival of Letters 2024 to be held from 11.03.2024 to 16.03.2024 at Rabindra Bhawan Lawns, 35, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi-110001.

Inviting Quotation for supplying of non-woven carry bags in the Regional Office, Kolkata.

Application form for "PUSTAKAYAN", Sahitya Akademi Book Fair to be held from 1-9 December 2023 at Rabindra Bhawan Compound, 35, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi.

Inviting quotations for Printing Books for Sub Office Chennai.

Inviting quotations for supplying DVR, hard disc. SMPS & LED Monitor for Sub Office Chennai.

Inviting quotations for renewal of 1 Yrs maintenance subscription of Corel Draw.

E-Tender for Book Fair and Literary Programmes to be held from 1-9 December 2023. Last date for applying the E-Tender at ECCP Portal is 09 October 2023.

Inviting Quotations for supplying Cloth Bags in the Regional office of Sahitya Akademi at Bengaluru.

Inviting quotations for supplying DVR, Hard Disc, SMPS & LED Monitor for Sub Office Chennai (Last dt.-21 August 2023).

e-Tender Notice for Transportation of Books in 188 Blocks of Jammu & Kashmir (Last dt. 21 July 2023).

E-Tender for HOTEL ROOMS for International Literature Festival, 2023 (03-06 August, 2023); Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. (Last dt. 10 July 2023)

E-Tender for CATERING SERVICES for International Literature Festival, 2023 (03-06 August, 2023); Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. (Last dt. 10 July 2023)

E-Tender for HIRING OF VEHICLE for International Literature Festival, 2023 (03-06 August, 2023); Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. (Last dt. 10 July 2023)

E-Tender for Engagement of Event Management Agency for Conceptualization, Designing, Fabrication and services for Unmesha-International Literature Festival, 2023 (03-06 August, 2023); Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. (Last dt. 10 July 2023)

Tender for HIRING OF VEHICLE for International Literature Festival, 2023 (03-06 August, 2023); Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh (Last Dt.-30 June 2023).

Tender for CATERING SERVICES for International Literature Festival, 2023 (03-06 August, 2023); Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh (Last Dt.-30 June 2023).

Tender for HOTEL ROOMS for International Literature Festival, 2023 (03-06 August, 2023); Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh (Last Dt.-30 June 2023).

Details of candidates called for the Written Test to be held on 30.06.2023 at 11 AM for the one post of Sales Cum Exhibition Assistant, unreserved, Regional office Bengaluru.

E-Inviting Quotation For Typesetting, Printing and Binding Rates of Akademi Publications by Offset Printing Process for Akademi Head Office, New Delhi and Regional Office, Kolkata.

Inviting quotations for PoD printing and binding of perfect bound and hard bound books from Bhubaneswar based printers.

Inviting quotations for 'Supply of books under Library Grant 2022-2023 at 30 District Points' under 'Samargha Shiksha Odisha' (OSEPA).

Inviting quotations for PoD printing and binding of perfect bound and hard bound books from Kolkata based printers.

Inviting quotations for supplying DVR, Hard Disc and SMPS at Sub-Regional office, Chennai.

Inviting quotations for entering into annual maintenance contract for computers, printers, scanners, UPS and LAN at the Sub-regional office Chennai. (Last Date : 03.05.2023).

Inviting quotations for printing and supplying Sahitya Akademi envelopes (Last Date : 03.05.2023).

E-Tender Notice for printing and supply Akademi's Publications on unit cost basis with paper FOR (Freight on Road) (Last Date : 02.05.2023).

Inviting quotations for entering into annual maintenance contract for EPABX intercom system. (Last Date : 12.04.2023).

Inviting quotation for Delivery of Books under Axom Sarba Siksha Abhiyan Mission for F/Y 2022-23 in Assam (Last Date : 06.04.2023).

Inviting quotations for entering into annual maintenance contract for computer, printers, scanners, UPS and LAN at the Sub-Regional Office Chennai (Last Date : 27.03.2023)

Tender Notice for Conceptualization, Designing and Wood work for Children Corner at Head office, New Delhi (Last Date : 22.03.2023)

Tender Notice for Transportation of Books in 303 Blocks of Rajasthan (Last Date : 07.03.2023).

Tender Notice for Conceptualization, Designing and Wood work for Children Corner (Last Date : 07.03.2023).

e-Tender Notice for printing and supply Akademi's Publications on unit cost basis with paper FOR (Freight on Road) (Last dt.- 06-02-2023)

e-Tender Notice for Public Procurement of Printing Paper (Preference to Make in India) at Sahitya Akademi's Sub-Office Chennai (Last Date : 06.03.2023).

e-Tender Notice for Public Procurement of Printing Paper (Preference to Make in India) at Sahitya Akademi's Head Office, New Delhi (Last Date : 06.03.2023).

CORRIGENDUM: Inviting quotations for printing and supply Akademi Award-2022, Citation at Sahitya Akademi's Head Office, New Delhi (Last Date : 28.02.2023)

Inviting quotations for printing and supply Tranlation Prize 2022, Citation and Invitation Card at Sahitya Akademi's Head Office, New Delhi (Last Date : 28.02.2023)

e-Tender Notice for printing and supply Akademi's Publication on unit cost basis with paper FOR (Freight on Road) at Sahitya Akademi Head Office, New Delhi (Last Date : 28.02.2023)

Inviting quotations for the renewal of Adobe-Creative Cloud all apps for HED-Shared Device at Sahitya Akademi Head Office, New Delhi (Last Date : 27.02.2023)

Inviting Quotations (unit cost basis with paper) for Printing and Binding of Akademi Publications at Regional Office Kolkata (Last Date : 25.02.2023).

Inviting Quotations for HIRING OF VEHICLE on rental basis from 10-17 March, 2023 (Last Date : 24.02.2023)

Inviting quotation for Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of stalls for World Book Fair to be held from 25 February, 2023 to 05 March, 2023 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.

e-Tender for Hiring of Vehicle for Festival of Letters (11-16 March, 2023).

CORRIGENDUM: Tender Notice: Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of Venue for Festival of Letters 2023 to be held from 11.03.2023 to 16.03.2023 at Rabindra Bhavan Lawns, New Delhi.

Tender Notice: Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of stalls for World Book Fair to be held from 25 February - 05 March 2023 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.

e-Tender for Hiring of Vehicle for Festival of Letters (11-16 March, 2023).

CORRIGENDUM: e-Tender for 'Hotel Rooms' for Festival of Letters 2023 (to be held from 11-16 March 2023) at Rabindra Bhawan, New Delhi.

e-Tender for 'Catering Services' for Festival of Letters 2023 (to be held from 11-16 March 2023) at Rabindra Bhawan, New Delhi.

Inviting quotation for CTP (computer to plate) retes at Sahitya Akademi's Head Office, New Delhi.

Inviting quotations for renewal of 1yrs maintenance subscription of Corel Draw

Inviting quotations for Typesetting of 'Banglya Sabdokosh' Vols. I & II at Regional office Kolkata.

Inviting quotations for renewal of 1yrs maintenance subscription of Corel Draw.

Inviting quotations for renewal of 1yrs maintenance subscription of Corel Draw.

Inviting quotatons for Booking of Hotel Rooms at New Delhi.

Inviting quotations for renewal of 1yrs maintenance subscription of Corel Draw.

Inviting quotatons for renewal of 2yrs maintenance subscripton of Corel Draw.

Notice: Disposal of various condemned items by Public Auction on 27 October 2022 at 03.30 pm - Rabindra Bhavan Compound, New Delhi.

e-Tender Notice for Public Procurement of Printing Paper (Preference to Make in India) at Sahitya Akademi's Regional Office, Kolkata.

e-Tender Notice for Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of Book Fair & Literary Events at Rabindra Bhawan Compound, New Delhi and Presentation of Bal Sahitya Award at Triveni Kala Sangam, Tansen Marg, New Delhi.

e-Tender Notice for Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of Book Fair & Literary Events at Rabindra Bhawan Compound, New Delhi and Presentation of Bal Sahitya Award at Triveni Kala Sangam, Tansen Marg, New Delhi.

Inviting quotations for repair and maintenance of CCTV Network in the Regional office of Sahitya Akademi at Bengaluru.

Inviting quotations for supplying Corrugated Boxes at Sahitya Akademi Sub-office Chennai.

Inviting quotation for printing and evaluation of OMR Sheets for Head Office, New Delhi.

e-Tender Notice for conceptualization/ designing/ fabrication/ construction/ interor/ exterior of Sahitya Akademi Book Store at Majestic Metro Station, Bangalore.

CORRIGENDUM: Inviting quotation for Lighting of Rabindra Bhavan compound in tricolour (Deep Saffron, White and Dark Green) in equal proportion from 2-16 August 2022 to celebrate 'Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav.

e-Tender Notice for Public Procurement of Printing Paper (Preference to Make in India) at Sahitya Akademi's Regional Office, Mumbai.

e-Tender Notice for Public Procurement of Printing Paper (Preference to Make in India) at Sahitya Akademi's Regional Office, Kolkata.

e-Tender Notice for Public Procurement of Printing Paper (Preference to Make in India) at Sahitya Akademi's Sub Office, Chennai.

e-Tender Notice for conceptualization/ designing/ fabrication/ construction/ interor/ exterior of Sahitya Akademi Book Store at Majestic Metro Station, Bangalore.

Inviting quotation for Purchase of Corrugated Boxes for Sahitya Akademi's Regional Office, Mumbai.

Inviting quotations for procuring Cloth Bags at Sub-office, Guna Complex, Anna Salai, Teynampet, Chennai.

Inviting quotations for supplying Corrugated Boxes at Sub-office, Guna Complex, Anna Salai, Teynampet, Chennai.

Inviting quotation for Hiring of Vehicle for International Literature Festival, 2022 (15-19 June, 2022).

e-Tender Notice for Public Procurement of Pringing Paper (Preference to Make in India) for Sahitya Akademi's Regional Office Mumbai.

e-Tender Notice for Public Procurement of Printing Paper (Preference to Make in India) at Sahitya Akademi's Regional Office, Kolkata.

e-Tender for Hiring of Vehicle for International Literature Festival, 2022 (15-19 June, 2022).

e-Tender Notice for Public Procurement of Pringing Paper (Preference to Make in India) for Regional Office Mumbai.

Inviting quotation for Corrugated Boxes for Head Office, New Delhi.

e-Tender Notice for Public Procurement of Printing Paper (Preference to Make in India) for Regional Office Kolkata.

e-Tender for Catering Services for International Literature Festival, 2022

e-Tender for Hiring of Vehicle for International Literature Festival, 2022

e-Tender Notice for Public Procurement of Printing Paper (Preference to Make in India)

Quotation for Hire of Transport Services for delivery of Books

Quotation for corrugated boxes, Head Office, New Delhi



Tender for Engagement of Event Management Agency for Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of venues 1. Gaiety Theatre, 2. Town Hall & 3. Ridge in the city of Shimla, Himachal Pradesh and providing other services enlisted in the Scope of Work as mentioned in the tender document.

Tender for Hotel Rooms for International Literature Festival, 2022 (16-18 June, 2022) Ridge, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh

e-Tender Notice for Public Procurement of Printing Paper (Preference to make to make in India.)

CORRIGENDUM: e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper for Head office New Delhi.

Inviting quotations for Licensed version software for Head office New Delhi.

Inviting quotation for Purchase of Bookpringing Paper for Head Office New delhi.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper for Regional Office, Kolkata.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Text Paper and Art Board for Sub-Office, Chennai.

CORRIGENDUM: Tender Notice for Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of venue for Festival of Letters 2022 to be held from 10.03.2022 to 15.03.2022 at Rabindra Bhawan Lawns, 35, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi - 110001.

E-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper for Head Office New Delhi.

CORRIGENDUM: Inviting quotations for designing, printing & supplying Sahitya Akademi's newsletter for Sub-Office, Chennai.

E-Tender Notice for Purchase of Text Paper and Art Board at Sub-Office, Chennai.

CORRIGENDUM: E-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper for Head Office New Delhi.

Extension for submission of quotation for the renewal of Corel Draw Maintenance License.

Inviting quotation for purchase of Bookprinting Paper for Head office New Delhi.

E-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper for Regional Office Kolkata.

Tender : Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of Sahitya Akademi Stalls at the World Book Fair to be held 08-16 January, 2022 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi

Inviting quotations for renewal of Maintenance Subscription of Corel Draw.

Inviting quotations for designing, printing & supplying Sahitya Akademi's newsletter at Sub-Office Chennai.

Inviting quotations for entering into annual maintenance contract for window and split air conditioners at the sub-regional office of Sahitya Akademi at Chennai.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper at Regional office, Kolkata.

Tender Notice for conceptualization/construction/interor/exterior of Sahitya Akademi Book Store at Majestic Metro Station, Bangalore.

Inviting quotation for various repair work in the Sahitya Akademi Library reg.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper for Sahitya Akademi, Rabindra Bhavan, New Delhi.

NOTICE: Disposal of unserviceable/ scrapped items by Public Auction on 28.10.2021 at 12 Noon at Sahitya Akademi, Sales Section, 'Swati' Working Women Hostel, Mandir Marg, New Delhi-110001 reg.

NOTICE: Disposal of unserviceable/ scrapped items by Public Auction on 13.10.2021 at 2.00 pm at Sahitya Akademi, Sales Section, 'Swati' Working Women Hostel, Mandir Marg, New Delhi-110001 reg.

Inviting quotations for Printer at Sahitya Akademi, Rabindra Bhavan, New Delhi.

Tender Notice for conceptualization/ designing/ fabrication/ construction/ interior/ exterior of Sahitya Akademi Book Store at Majestic Metro Station, Bangalore.

NOTICE: Disposal of unserviceable/ scrapped items by Public Auction on 24.09.2021 at 12 Noon at Sahitya Akademi, Sales Section, 'Swati' Working Women Hostel, Mandir Marg, New Delhi-110001 reg.

NOTICE: Disposal of unserviceable/ scrapped items by Public Auction on 15th September 2021 at 12.00 noon at Sahitya Akademi, Sales Section, 'Swati' Working Women Hostel, Mandir Marg, New Delhi.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper at Regional office, Kolkata.

Inviting quotations for entering into annual maintenance contract for Pest Control Services at Sahitya Akademi's Sub-office & godown at Chennai.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper at Regional office, Bangaluru.

e-Tender Notice for the conceptualization/designing/fabrication/construction/interior/exterior of Sahitya Akademi Book Store at Majestic Metro Station, Bangalore.

Inviting Quotations for supply of printing ink cartridges - reg. (Head office, New Delhi)

Scheme for Tagore National Fellowship for Cultural Research for the Year 2019-20.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper at Regional office, Kolkata.

Inviting Quotations for purchase of AIO Desktop-reg.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper

Inviting Quotation for printing of Note Sheet.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper at Regional office, Kolkata.

Inviting Quotation for Repairing/Renovation work at Sahitya Akademi Western regional Office, Mumbai (Interior)

Inviting Quotation for Repairing/Renovation work at Sahitya Akademi Western regional Office, Mumbai (Painting)

Inviting Quotation for Repairing/Renovation work at Sahitya Akademi Western regional Office, Mumbai (Electrical)

Inviting Quotation for Repairing/Renovation work at Sahitya Akademi Western regional Office, Mumbai (Wooden)

Inviting Quotation for Repairing/Renovation work at Sahitya Akademi Western regional Office, Mumbai (Civil)

Inviting Quotation for Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of Venue for the Translation Prize Presentation Ceremony 2019 and provide other related ancillary services.

Inviting Quotations for Hire of Transport Services for delivery of Books. (Head office, New Delhi)

Inviting Quotations for Licensed version software for Head Office, New Delhi.

Inviting Quotations for Purchase of Printing Paper for Head Office, New Delhi.

Inviting Quotations for purchasing papers (Regional Office, Kolkata).

Inviting Quotations for purchase of Laptop-Note Book-reg.

Inviting quotations for Corrugated Boxes.

Inviting quotations for renewal of 2yrs maintenance subscription of Corel Draw.

CORRIGENDUM : Procurement of Printing Paper - reg.

Re-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Art Board for Head Office, New Delhi.

Re-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Art Paper for Head Office, New Delhi.

Re-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper for Head Office, New Delhi.

Limited Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper for Head Office, New Delhi.

Inviting quotation for printing and supplying office note sheets for Regional Office, Chennai.

Inviting quotation for procuring Cloth bags at Regional Office, Chennai.

Inviting quotation for Licensed version software (Head Office, New Delhi)


Tender Notice for Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of venue for Festival of Letters 2020 to be held from 24.02.2020 to 29.02.2020 at Rabindra Bhawan Lawns, 35, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi - 110001.

Tender for the conceptualization/ designing/ fabrication/ construction/ interior/ exterior of Sahitya Akademi Book Store at Majestic Metro Station, Bangalore.

Tender-cum-Quotation for the Purchase of Art Card (Gloss, Indian) for Head Office, New Delhi.

Tender-cum-Quotation for Purchase of Art Card (Gloss, Indian) for Head Office.

Re-tendering for the Purchase of NS Maplitho/Art Card/Art Paper for Head Office.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper for Head Office.

Re-tendering for the Purchase of NS Maplitho/Art Card/Art Paper for Regional Office Kolkata.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper for Regional Office Kolkata.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper for Regional Office Bangaluru.

Tender Notice for Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of bare space of 72sq. meters (54 sq. metre in Hall No. 8-11 and 18 Sq. Metre in Hall No. 12-12A) at NDWBF, 2020 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.

Inviting quotations for printing & supplying of Tamil Catalog for Regional office, Chennai.

Inviting quotation for Purchase of Seminar Bags (Head Office, New Delhi)

Tender Notice for Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of venue for Festival of Letters 2020 to be held from 24.02.2020 to 29.02.2020 at Rabindra Bhawan Lawns, 35, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi - 110001.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper for Head Office.

Re-tendering for the Purchase of NS Maplitho/Art Card/Art Paper for Head Office.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper at Sub-Office, Chennai.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper at Regional Office, Kolkata.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper at Head Office, New Delhi.

Invites Quotation for supply of printing ink cartridges at Head Office, New Delhi.

e-Tender for renovation of office premises at second floor and basement at its Regional Office Mumbai.

Tender for the conceptualization/ designing/ fabrication/ construction/ interior/ exterior of Sahitya Akademi Book Store at Majestic Metro Station, Bangalore.

Quotation for Repair of Audio System in the First floor Auditorium.

Inviting Quotation for Printing Books (Sub-Office, Chennai).

Tender for the conceptualization/ designing/ fabrication/ construction/ interior/ exterior of Sahitya Akademi Book Store at Majestic Metro Station, Bangalore.

Inviting Quotation for Fabrication of Stalls at DELHI BOOK FAIR, 2019.

Inviting Quotation for refilling and Annual Maintenance of Fire Extinguishers.

Inviting quotations for supplying Corrugated Boxes (Sub Office, Chennai)

Inviting quotation for Corrugated Boxes (Head Office, New Delhi)

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper at Sahitya Akademi, Head Office, New Delhi.

Tender for the conceptualization/ designing/ fabrication/ construction/ interior/ exterior of Sahitya Akademi Book Store at Majestic Metro Station, Bangalore.

Inviting quotation for procurement of Non-Woven Bags at Sahitya Akademi, Head Office, New Delhi.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper at Sahitya Akademi, Head Office, New Delhi.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper at Sahitya Akademi, Sub-Office, Chennai.

Inviting Quotations for supply of Stationery Items.

Inviting Quotations for Licensed version software.

Inviting Quotation for Purchase & Supply of Books on Unit Cost Basis.

Invites e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper for its Head Office, New Delhi.

Invites e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper for its Head Office, New Delhi.

Inviting Quotation for Purchase of Paper Stock its Regional Office at Mumbai.


Invites e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper for its Head Office, New Delhi.

Inviting Quotation for Purchase Art Card its Sub-Office at Chennai.

Inviting quotations for Licensed version software.

Tender Notice : Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of Stalls for World Book Fair to be held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.

CORRIGENDUM : Tender Notice for Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of venue for Festival of Letters 2019 to be held from 28.01.2019 to 02.02.2019 at Rabindra Bhawan Lawns, New Delhi.

Quotation for Purchasing Papersfor its Regional Office at Kolkata.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper for its Head Office at New Delhi.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper for its Sub-Office at Chennai.

Inviting quotation for purchase of Text paper for chennai Office

Inviting Quotations for renewal of 2yrs maintenance subscription of Corel Draw.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper at Sahitya Akademi, Sub-Office, Chennai.

e-Tender Notice for Auction of old/obsolete items at Sahitya Akademi, Head Office, New Delhi.

Inviting quotation for procurement of Envelops at Sahitya Akademi, Head Office, New Delhi.

Inviting quotation for procurement of Non-Woven Bags at Sahitya Akademi, Head Office, New Delhi.

Quotation for Purchasing Papers (Kolkata office).

Re-Tender for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of AIR Conditioners Window/ Spilt/ Ductable/ Cassette.

Tender for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance contract of CCTV surveillance System.

Tender for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance contract of Air Conditioners Window/Spilt/Ductable/Cassette.

Tagore National Fellowship and Scholarship for Cultural Research for 2017-18
(Under the Ministry of Culture's Scheme)


(Date extended upto 15 June 2018) Tender Notice for Hiring of Vehicles. (Head Office, New Delhi)

(Date extended upto 15 June 2018)
Inviting quotations for AMC of Audio/visual Systems

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper

Inviting quotation for Translation Prize function and Abhivyakti programme scheduled to be held from 22-24 June 2018 at Guwahati.

Inviting quotation for T-Shirts (Head Office, New Delhi)

Inviting quotation for procurement of Seminar Bags (Head Office, New Delhi)

Inviting quotations for Annual Maintenance Services for CCTV, and DVR 32 Channel services for 2018-2019 (Regional Office, Kolkata)

Inviting quotations for AMC of Audio/visual Systems

Tender Notice for Hiring of Vehicles.

Inviting quotation for entering into annual maintenance contract for the maintenance of Semi-Automatic Strapping Machine. (Sub-Office, Chennai)

Inviting quotations for Purchasing Papers (Regional Office, Kolkata)

Inviting quotation for entering into annual maintenance contract for Window and split air conditioners (Sub-Office, Chennai)

Inviting quotations for Purchase Art Card (Regional Sub-Office, Chennai)

Inviting quotation for Printing of Cash Bill Books (Sub-Office, Chennai)

Inviting quotation for entering into annual maintenance contract for computers, printers, scanners, UPS and LAN (Sub-Office, Chennai)

CORRIGENDUM : Retendering of Tender (Sub-Office, Chennai)

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper

CORRIGENDUM : Procurement of Printing Paper

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper (Regional office, Kolkata)

Inviting quotation for supplying of different size of non-woven bags at Sahitya Akademi, Chennai.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper (Sub-office, Chennai)

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper (Regional Office, Kolkata)

Quotation for Purchase of Printing Paper (New Delhi)

(Date extended upto 25th March 2018)
e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper (New Delhi)

Advt. for the post of Graphic Designer (Contract Basis) at Head Office.

Inviting quotation for POD Services (New Delhi)

Inviting quotation for procurement of Seminar Bags (New Delhi)

Inviting for procurement of Seminar Bags (Head Office)

(Date extended upto 26th December 2017)
Tender Notice for Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of Venue for Festival of Letters 2018.

Tender Notice for Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of stalls for World Book Fair to be held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.

Inviting Quotation for Conference Mic (Head Office). [Corrigendum]

Tender Notice for Designing and Fabrication of stall at Central Library, Jawaharlal Nehru University.

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper (Sub-Office, Chennai)

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper (Regional Office, Kolkata)

e-Tender Notice for Purchase of Printing Paper (Regional Office, Bengaluru)

Inviting Quotation for Re-upholstery of Chairs (Head Office)

Inviting Quotation for POD services (Head Office)

Inviting Quotation for Steel Platform/Chowki (Head Office)

Inviting Quotation for T-Shirts (Head Office)

Corrigendum Notice for e-Tender for Purchase of Printing Paper

Inviting Quotation for printing stationery items (Regional Office Kolkata)

Notice for e-Tender for Purchase of Printing Paper.

Inviting Quotations for Printing & Supply of Books (Head Office)

Inviting Quotations for Online UPS (Head Office)

Inviting Quotations for Purchase of Window ACs (Head Office)

Inviting Quotation for shifting/transportation of Sahitya Akademi Publications including packing, loading and un-loading. (Regional Office Bengaluru)

Inviting Quotation for purchasing papers (Regional Office Kolkata)

Inviting Quotation for purchase Art Card (Chennai Office)

Inviting Quotation for printing & supplying of Note Sheets, Letter Heads & Envelopes. (Regional Office Bangaluru)

Inviting Quotations for Online UPS (New Delhi)

Quotation for printing and supply of Envelopes and Files

LAST DATE EXTENDED UPTO 14th January 2017, 5.00 pm Tender Notice for Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of Venue for Festival of Letters 2017 to be held from 21.02.2017 to 26.02.2017 at Rabindra Bhawan Lawns, 35 Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi-110001.

Quotation for procurement of Seminar Bags.

LAST DATE EXTENDED UPTO 12 January 2017, 5.00 pm : Quotation for printing and supply of envelopes.

Quotation for procurement of Office Furnitures & Fixtures.

LAST DATE EXTENDED UPTO 06 January 2017, 5.00 pm

Tender Notice for Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of Venue for Festival of Letters 2017 to be held from 21.02.2017 to 26.02.2017 at Rabindra Bhawan Lawns, 35 Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi-110001.

Quotation for printing and supply of envelopes


Tender Notice for Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of Venue for Festival of Letters 2017 to be held from 21.02.2017 to 26.02.2017 at Rabindra Bhawan Lawns, 35 Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi-110001.

Tender Notice for Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of Venue for Festival of Letters 2017 to be held from 21.02.2017 to 26.02.2017 at Rabindra Bhawan Lawns, 35 Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi-110001.

Inviting Quotation for purchase of Text paper & Art Card (Bengaluru)

Inviting Quotation for purchasing papers (Regional Office Kolkata)

Notice Inviting Tender for Purchase of Paper (New Delhi)

Inviting Quotation for purchase of Text paper & Art Card (Chennai)

Inviting Quotations for Newsletter cover Printing (Chennai)

Inviting Quotations for Re-fabrication/renovation/refurnishing of the Reception Area (New Delhi)

Inviting Quotations for Licensed version software (New Delhi)

Inviting Quotation for Confrence System Spares (New Delhi)

Inviting quotations for the purchase of Fire Extinguishers (Sub-Office, Chennai)

Inviting Quotation for Civil Work (New Delhi)

Notice Inviting Tender for Purchase of Printing Paper (Mumbai Office)

Inviting Quotations for the Purchase of Plastic Chairs (Chennai Office)

Inviting Quotation for Printing and Supply of Books (New Delhi)

Inviting Quotation for Procuring Batteries (New Delhi)

Inviting Quotations for Conference System spares (New Delhi)

Notice Inviting Quotation for Purchase of Paper (New Delhi)

Inviting Quotations for the Purchase of Sony HD Camcorder for Regional Office, Chennai.

Inviting quotations for Desktop Computer System (New Delhi)

Inviting quotations for Printing and Supplying of Note Sheets (Chennai office)

Notice Inviting Tender for Purchase of Paper (New Delhi)

Inviting Quotation for purchase Non-Woven Bags (Sub-Office Chennai)

Inviting Quotation for purchase Text & Art Card (Sub-Office Chennai)

Inviting Quotation for purchasing Printing Paper (New Delhi)

Inviting Quotation for purchasing Printing Paper (Regional Office, Kolkata)

Inviting Quotations for entering into Annual Maintenance Contract for the maintenance of semi-automatic strapping machine (Regional Office, Chennai)

Inviting Quotations for erection of Exhibition during Birth Centenary Seminar on Amrit Lal Nagar on 20-21 August 2016 at Lucknow

Inviting quotations for printing and supply of envelopes

Inviting quotations for the Purchase of Sony HD Camcorder (Regional Office, Chennai)

Inviting Quotations for the Purchase of Fax Machine (Regional Office, Chennai)

Inviting Quotations for all in one Desktop Computer System

Notice Inviting Tender-2016 for Purchase of Paper

Notice Inviting Expression of Interest for Installation of Air Conditioning Plant


Inviting Quotation for purchase of Desktop Computers (Regional Office, Chennai)

Inviting Quotation for purchasing Text Paper & Art Card (Regional Office, Chennai)

Inviting Quotation for purchasing Printing Paper (Regional Office, Kolkata)

Tender Notice for Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of Venue for Festival of Letters 2016 [Memorandum]

Tender Notice for Conceptualization, Designing and Fabrication of Venue for Festival of Letters 2016

Inviting Quotation for purchase of non-woven Bags [Corrigendum].

Inviting Quotation for purchase of non-woven Bags.

Inviting Quotation for purchasing Printing Paper (Regional Office, Kolkata)

Inviting quotation for Fabrication and Designing of 6 Stall for World Book Fair, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.

Inviting quotation for Purchase of Computer Chair/Table for its Head Office

Inviting quotation for Providing security service at our Godown (Chennai)

Inviting quotation for printing and supply of Akademi's Wall Calendars-2016

Inviting quotations for Printing and supply of Sahitya Akademi Book Marks

Inviting quotations for Printing and supply of Akademi's Official Diary-2016

Inviting quotation for Printing of Cash Memo

Quotation for Dot Matrix Printer

Quotation for Purchase of Air Conditioner

Quotation for Fabrication of Book Stall for JNU Book Exhibition.

Inviting Quotations for 'Annual Maintenance Contract' of Kirloskar Silent Generator Set-reg. [Last Date Extended]

Inviting Quotations for 'License Version Software'

Inviting Quotations for 'Desktop Computer System'

Inviting Quotations for 'Annual Maintenance Contract' of Kirloskar Silent Generator Set-reg.

Inviting Quotations for purchase of Paper Stock (Regional Office, Mumbai)

Inviting Quotations for purchasing Printing Paper (Regional Office, Kolkata)

Inviting Quotations for Fabrication of Stall for Delhi Book Fair, Pragati Maidan.

Inviting Quotations for purchasing Printing Paper (Regional Office, Kolkata)

Notice Inviting Tender for Purchase of Paper.

Notice for Auction of Condemned Vehicle.

Inviting Quotations for Networking.


Inviting Quotations for purchasing Paper (Regional Office, Kolkata).

Inviting Quotations for supply of Photocopier Paper.

Inviting Quotations for 'Annual Maintenance Contract' of Sound/Conference System.

Inviting Quotations for 'Annual Maintenance Contract' of Fire Alarm System.

Inviting Quotations for supply of Stationery Items.

Tender for Conceptualization of Design, Interior and Exterior of Sahtiya Akademi Book Shop at Gate No.-4, Vishwavidyalaya Metro Station, Delhi.

Sealed Quotations Invited for Printing of Stationary Items

Sealed Quotations Invited for Maintenance Contract for Air-Conditioners

Tagore National Fellowship/Scholarship for Cultural Research for 2014-15
(Under the Ministry of Culture's Scheme)


Empanelment of Agencies for providing Car on hire


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